The 10 Mile Blog: Our Entire Important Purpose

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To many families in New Hampshire, there are few resources to help provide an affordable, safe place for their kids after school or during the summer. They need a place that can surround their children with role models who can help them academically, socially, and nutritionally. Many people may not realize that to some struggling households, the Boys & Girls Club of Central New Hampshire provides the only full meal that some children receive throughout the day and this is the place where these kids can smile the most.


This is why the Boys & Girls Club of Central New Hampshire is so absolutely essential to the overall health of our community and to help our children grow up to be role models themselves. The entire purpose of this 10 mile race is to raise money to directly support the Boys & Girls Club of Central New Hampshire and this requires a full community effort.

Please take a few moments to learn more about this important organization. You will be surprised to learn about all the programs they have for kids of all backgrounds, fortunate or not, and you will be even more surprised to discover how this organization goes above and beyond to provide additional services to children in less priviledged households as well as immigrants and refugees who are new to our culture and may feel alone in our society.

All proceeds from our Boys & Girls Club Granite State 10 Miler go to the Boys & Girls Club of Central New Hampshire. Our goal is to double the amount that we are able to donate to this important organization and when the race is over, we want to hand a check over to this organization for at least $14,000. We really need your help. If you run, a huge chunk of your registration goes to this organization. If you don't run but you still want to help, there is an option to simply donate money instead. We will be taking financial donations on race day as well. Your donations are tax deductable and are absolutely, truely appreciated.


High five at mile TEN!